Order your food by the nutrients

JimmyFresh Case Study

JimmyFresh is an innovative App that allows the users to find and order meals around them that fit nutrition filters like how many calories, amount of fat, protein or carbohydrates and others!


  • UX Research
  • UX / UI Design
  • Prototypes
  • DevOps


    • iOS Mobile App
    • Admin Web App
    • RESTful API

From ideas...

The JimmyFresh founder approached us with some ideas he envisioned for his product.

We worked together on evolving these ideas, drafting and brainstorming and generating new ideas altogether. In the process, we analyzed the competition and defined which products to develop with the given budget.

We applied Design Thinking principles and from early on, we presented users with the drafts and gathered early feedback that was used to improve the concepts. This feedback loop is a constant throughout our process.

UX Research + UX Design

To validate all these ideas and assumptions, we did extensive UX Research. We not only devised potential profiles for users but we also interviewed real people, shown them digital mockups many times, each time integrating the valuable feedback and repeating the process until we felt we had the basis for a good implementation.

UI + Motion Design

From our research we fixed the basis for the design. Here our ideas came to live. Colors came into play, motion effects were discussed and to validate them we built real prototypes, interviewed users again and let them play with the prototypes on a real device. This process gave us again valuable feedback that we incorporated into the designs until we reached the final version.

Development + Deployment

Alongside the prototypes, we also built an Admin Web App that allows the Management of the information shown in the App, like Restaurants, opening times, meals, orders etc.

In the end the App and the Admin Web App were released simultaneously.

This was a fun and enlightening project to conceptualize and develop. By applying Design Thinking, Lean and Agile principles we created a product that from day one had very good feedback, with users complimenting the better interface and user experience.

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